Prescott Area Young Professionals (PAYP) is a quality group of 21-40 year old young professionals working together to showcase the Prescott area as a place for opportunity, growth, and success. PAYP is supported by the Prescott, Prescott Valley, and Chino Valley Chambers of Commerce.

PAYP provides unique social networking, personal and professional development, and service opportunities throughout the quad-cities. From networking with city leaders, learning from experts, and hosting Party in the Pines – Prescott’s biggest charity beer festival, PAYP provides opportunities to impact the community and make a difference where we live and work. 

PAYP strives to build relationships, give back, and work hand-in-hand with professionals to help make Prescott and the surrounding communities a better place to work, play, and live. 




Make a Difference



Service Opportunities within PAYP.

Below are just a few of the different committees and opportunities to get involved with PAYP.

PAYP is a fun group to meet new people, connect with other young professionals, and build valuable personal and professional relationship. 

The goal of our Membership Committee is to get to know new and existing members of PAYP and connect members to each other. 

There are opportunities to meet other professionals and grow businesses, socialize together and build friendships, and serve together by volunteering and giving back through community event. 

Become a member today! For questions, information, or how to get involved, please contact us at [email protected].

One of the goals of PAYP is to make an impact in our community through service and volunteer endeavors, and connect members to great local causes.

Get involved and make a difference with other young professionals!

A place to CONNECT with other people ages 21-40 and meet like-minded individuals living and working in the Prescott area. Whether it’s a casual lunch gathering, an After 5 evening mixer at a local business, or the Annual PAYP Holiday Party, there are plenty of opportunities to socialize and network within the group. Keep an eye out for community service themes to IMPACT our community, education opportunities, as well as business card drawings.

Lunch & Learn is a speaker series featuring industry experts discussing the things they know best. These events are a bit more intimate, and a little more structured, than our After5 networking events. Each Lunch & Learn event is a 30 to 45 minute speaker presentation book-ended with discussion and of course, some networking.

In the end, Lunch & Learn was put together to help inspire your own professional development by giving you an opportunity to not just engage with your city, but interact with the knowledge and people that help drive a city on the move.

Want to learn more about PAYP?

Get in touch with us today!